Sunday, June 9, 2013



ucsb-sasa: UCSB South Asian Students Association's "Fighting...


UCSB South Asian Students Association's "Fighting Islamaphobia" Photo Campiagn

emilygt: The Portrait Project, by Emily Tebbetts This is from...


The Portrait Project, by Emily Tebbetts

This is from my final project for my Photo class. I asked participants to write something about themselves that contributed significantly to who they are as a person, but is something that someone may be surprised to hear just looking at them. I will be continuing this project indefinitely, so if you'd like to participate look out for open calls!



shards-of-divinity: sonneillonv: sonneillonv: carriecmoney: t...





this started off as me thinking about how to design the women's Starfleet uniform to be more action-y or something

and then I thought about it and there's gotta be a reason that the female officers haven't protested yet, right? It's totally because those dresses have the best damn pockets in the world, while the guys' pants have none

and somehow that led to this

*cough*  Fun fact - these dresses?  Are a unisex uniform option.  In Starfleet anyone can wear them.

Proof in case y'all didn't believe me


petition to get kirk in this uniform next movie dammit!




grrrlfever: almost everyone seems to know someone who has been raped but no one seems to know...


almost everyone seems to know someone who has been raped but no one seems to know rapists


because rapists are rarely held fucking accountable and therefore go undetected


Smart ideas for Smarter cities

Smart ideas for Smarter cities

shlabam: Never hang out with anyone who says "feminist" the same way Draco Malfoy says "mudblood".


Never hang out with anyone who says "feminist" the same way Draco Malfoy says "mudblood".

havocados: knowledgeandlove: BUFFALO, NY — Adam Arroyo...



BUFFALO, NYAdam Arroyo returned home from work to find his door busted down, and his apartment in shambles, riddled with bullet holes, and stained with blood. The government had paid him a visit while he was away.

Police were performing one of the many, many home raids that occur annually in the tyrannical Drug War. 

Arroyo's dog, Cindy, had been killed by police. But police raided the wrong home. 

"She's over here, chained up, and look at all these bullet holes man. Look at the blood right here," Arroyo explained. "She was tied up in the kitchen like I tie her up every single day, and they shot her for no reason."

"For police to wrongfully come into my house and murder my dog… It wasn't that they felt threatened. No. They murdered my dog," said Arroyo, beginning to tear up.

"That was my dog, man. That was my dog. They didn't have to do that, you know. They didn't have to do that."

Arroyo now has to pay to have Cindy cremated. He also had to repair his door at his own cost and has had to miss work.


This happened yesterday. Not only is this my city, but this happened in my direct fucking neighborhood.

Cindy was a pit bull. Not only did the police raid the wrong house, but they saw a pit bull who was chained up, unable to cause any harm and decided to just shoot her. Not once. Not twice. The poor thing was riddled with bullet holes.

I am disgusted. I am in tears.

Adam Arroyo I will do all I can to try and help you. 

Reblog every single police brutality post

srftoy: India's first female surfer - Ishita - meet her


India's first female surfer - Ishita - meet her



richard-sp8-jr: when i was in kindergarten i had this babysitter who cooked the best steak i'd ever...


when i was in kindergarten i had this babysitter who cooked the best steak i'd ever had and i'd always ask what it was and she said "people" every time and i'd laugh and ask what it really was and she'd just reply "people" and i found out in first grade that she got arrested and was sentenced to 50 years-life in prison

and that's the story about how my babysitter was basically hannibal lecter and i was will graham for a whole year



anthonyholden: Real life conversation with my soon-to-be...


Real life conversation with my soon-to-be 3-year-old daughter.

I am a wimp when it comes to pretending.

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