Friday, June 7, 2013

The Love Whisperer

"Friends have their fights. Some don't talk for days, weeks, months or even years. During this time..."

"Friends have their fights. Some don't talk for days, weeks, months or even years. During this time they say things they don't mean and lose trust by the second. For a while they hate each other. But before you know it, someone has the strength and dignity to apologize. Then before you know it, you pick up right where you left off and it's not even weird. It feels good like a part of you is back."

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"I know I'm full of insecurities and disappointments, but I promise you there's a part of me worth..."

"I know I'm full of insecurities and disappointments, but I promise you there's a part of me worth keeping."

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"It's amazing the things you realize when you lose someone. You get mad at yourself for not saying..."

"It's amazing the things you realize when you lose someone. You get mad at yourself for not saying the things you could have said a million times. You take for granted the days you spent doing nothing when you could have been with them. Anyone can be taken, at any point in our lives, but we always wait until they're gone to say the things we never had the courage to say."

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"Eat the damn chocolate cake, get your hair wet, love someone, dance in those muddy puddles, tell..."

"Eat the damn chocolate cake, get your hair wet, love someone, dance in those muddy puddles, tell someone off, draw a picture with crayons like you're still 6 years old and then give it to someone who is very important to you. Take a nap, go on vacation, do a cartwheel, make your own recipe, dance like no one sees you, paint each nail a different color, take a bubble bath, laugh at a corny joke. Get on that table and dance, pick strawberries, take a jog, plant a garden, make an ugly shirt and wear it all day, learn a new language, write a song, date someone you wouldn't usually go for, make a scrap book, go on a picnic, relax in the sun, make your own home video, kiss the un-kissed, hug the un-hugged, love the unloved, and live your life to the fullest. So at the end of the day, you'll have no regrets, no sorrows, no disappointments."

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"Maybe you had to leave in order to really miss a place. Maybe you had to travel to figure out how..."

"Maybe you had to leave in order to really miss a place. Maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was."

- Jodi Picoult

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"You can't waste time over missing something in the past. Life changes, people grow up and grow..."

"You can't waste time over missing something in the past. Life changes, people grow up and grow apart, and you accept that. Yet, you still can't stop thinking about good it used to be; afraid you'll never experience it again, afraid you've already lived it and already lost it."

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Chris Hurn - Watcha Got Before the needle hits the sunwhen...

Chris Hurn - Watcha Got

Before the needle hits the sun
when you're countin' every step til the day is done
take your time, take it slow, drink your wine
well use your hands, use your eyes, hold someone

oh you just don't know whatcha got

"I think that's what's wrong with the world. No one says what they feel, they always hold it inside...."

"I think that's what's wrong with the world. No one says what they feel, they always hold it inside. They're sad, but they don't cry. They're happy, but they don't dance or sing. They're angry, but they don't scream. Because if they do, they feel ashamed. And that's the worst feeling in the world. So everyone walks with their heads down and no one sees how beautiful the sky is."

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"I hope he realizes that you don't need him to be happy, because you don't. You need to show him that..."

"I hope he realizes that you don't need him to be happy, because you don't. You need to show him that you can smile even when he's not around. Show him that you don't need him to survive. Show him that you're better off without him; and show him that caring what other people think might just cost him everything."

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims...."

"And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. It's called unrequited love. Of that I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded."

- The Holiday

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

Your daily dose of Love Capsules from The Love Whisperer

"I've decided I need to be more spontaneous - stop thinking about things so much and just do them, or..."

"I've decided I need to be more spontaneous - stop thinking about things so much and just do them, or else nothing that I want is ever gonna happen. Like today, there were so many things I wanted to do - that I should have done - but I waited too long and missed my chance. So tomorrow I'm gonna try much harder to just do the things that I want - not think about it, so hopefully it will be better."

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