osamah: *slowly realizes my hand is in my pants*
*slowly realizes my hand is in my pants*
A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress...
A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they'd be asked the "half empty or half full" question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: "How heavy is this glass of water?"
Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.
She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." She continued, "The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything."
It's important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!I think this just changed my life.
potatoandotherwise: reasons to date me •sometimes I wear big shirts and no pants •I'll make you...
reasons to date me
•sometimes I wear big shirts and no pants
•I'll make you pancakes and mix CDs because who doesn't love those
•I'll kiss you a lot
•you can touch my butt whenever you want
•do you need any more reasons
beecalves: She won't do anything else. I've tried to take her...
She won't do anything else. I've tried to take her outside, she doesn't like the outdoors so she won't run around. She doesn't like cat toys, she doesn't like catnip. Anything normal that cats like she just doesn't like. (x)
stop I can't
vvaddles: when ur crush gets a haircut and u realize you only ever liked them for their hair
when ur crush gets a haircut and u realize you only ever liked them for their hair
me: i have no classes with anybody i know
me: i have no classes with anybody i knowmy parents: that's how you make friends!!!
me: no
babyferaligator: acne breakout=emotional breakdown
acne breakout=emotional breakdown
thesockmonkeyrenegade: THIS IS NOT A PICTURWE YOU SHOULD HAPPEN...
14 reasons people should stop hating leonardo dicaprio
14 reasons people should stop hating leonardo dicaprio:1. He dances like this at parties
2. He can do this with his face
3. He quit smoking 3 years ago like a badass
4. He loves his family and mama a whole lot
5. He also fucking loves his dogs and animals in general
classy as fuck
6. He uses his fame wisely. He is extremely devoted in animal, wildlife and human welfare and charities, like the WWF, and encourages his fans to petition and donate with him. Leo helps save tigers and elephants and whales and more. He donated a fucking million dollars to Haiti. He had a giant birthday party, but all the guests had to donate money for wildlife efforts. When he won his ONLY Golden Globe for The Aviator, in his speech he urged the audience to contribute to the earthquake relief at that time. He is currently taking a break with acting to rest and to focus more on this stuff. He is a fucking green superhero
that is a candid photo bitch
7. He has been besties with Kate Winslet since Titanic, he even made a ring for her, and he spoils her kids. Kate's ex husbands are all scared of Leo because Kate loves him so much and he could probably beat them up if they ever hurt her and they should get married but that's a whole other damn story just look at them
ps kate says of all her sex scenes she does in films (like a lot) she liked working with him the best. damn girl just friends?
8. He has also been besties with Tobey Maguire since they were little kids and they are such dorks
9. This picture
are you not in love yet
10. He grew up in a shitty ghetto area of LA surrounded by crime and drugs, so he vowed never to get involved with that stuff. Have you seen a mug shot of him? Noooo
11. Lol when his hair gets too long he wears a fucking headband
12. He's ironing on a fucking roof
13. The fact that he always fucking walks like this
he just loves to walk okay
14. He is just a classy, suave motherfucker
15. Also as serious as he seems most of the time, he used to do photo-shoots like this:
this post literally just cancelled all the unexplained negative feelings i had for leonardo dicaprio
I don't understand people who have something against Leo. I never have and I never will.
nerdache-cakes: All of you are wrong. The J in GIF is silent. Like in José. Hif.
All of you are wrong. The J in GIF is silent. Like in José.
daftpnk: daftpnk: snakes are ULTRA FUCKING HYPER WEIRD if you think about it
snakes are ULTRA FUCKING HYPER WEIRD if you think about it
nedbert: gastrodons submitted: i drew you
gastrodons submitted:
i drew you
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